Monday, May 28, 2012

Austin Bound

This week has been crazy! I got a job, traveled to Austin to spend time with Camille, and will sign a lease at my new apartment (which is super nice and in a great, pretty area of Dallas) tomorrow. Life is good and God is merciful.

To be quick, here are some of my favorite snap-shots from our Austin get-a-way weekend:

The first night, Camille and I walked around Austin and ate to our hearts' content. Loved having great, heart-felt conversations over some delicious, authentic Austin food!

I love Asian food, especially when it's fresh and authentic! Great! 

After dinner, Camille and I traveled to Mozart's Coffee and enjoyed a plethora of desserts. This was a great cafe right on the water - so beautiful! 

My dessert: Oreo Mint Cheesecake. Yummy. 

Camille's dessert: Peanut butter Chocolate Cake and Amy's Mexican Vanilla. Yes, she ate it all...and finished off mine. 

Our view! 

The next day, Camille and I enjoyed eating lunch at Taco Deli (so good!), going to Barton Springs (so cold!), and visiting Unusual Objects. We met up with her parents later that evening, enjoyed a wonderful meal, and had a great time walking around Austin with our Amy's ice cream. Gotta love Amy's! 

We also got to see where the Captextri was going to take place the next day (by the way, Camille is a beast and came in 2nd place). 

So. Many. Bikes. 

Overall: great friend, great place, great trip!