Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Weekend of the Arts

I have heard that working out for you is very healthy. I have also heard that you can be a fat person in a skinny body. As I have been very stressed lately, I have found myself eating more and more chocolate and began to believe that both of these things are true. I decided to do something about it.

I tried yoga for the first time yesterday. Because of my lack of money and a mat, I decided to borrow one of Paige's yoga videos. Of course, being me, I chose the most difficult one: Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. All I have to say is that I have never been more sore in my life. Surprisingly, I'm going to stick with it and hopefully one day post an awesome picture of me doing some random, hardcore pose. :) 

This is a fantastic way to begin yoga, but seriously: hardcore. 

Last night, I also did something I have never done. I went to G'nosh! with my two wonderful friends Natalie and Raychel. At G'nosh!, you learn how to paint a picture while you eat and drink for 3 hours. It is fantastic and so much fun. I would recommend doing this with anyone for any occasion.  

Sadly, this is the only picture I have at G'nosh! (The idea of blogging came the next day...). No, Natalie is not sniffing anything illegal...just relieving herself from allergies. The norm. 

After 3 hours, this is what the end result looks like. The class and I painted one of Vincent van Gogh's paintings. 

New Phase in Life, New Idea

A couple weeks ago, the plan that I had for my recent future took a 180 degree turn in a matter of seconds. For the first time, the saying, "God's ways are not our own" became real. During these past weeks of healing, I have been blessed during this storm. Friends, family, and most importantly, Christ, has shown me more love, peace, and wisdom than I deserve.

I decided this weekend, that I wanted to try something new and possibly gain a new hobby. And as I was sitting in church this morning, the idea and challenge of doing something new or something I haven't done in a long time each weekend, brought this random but incredible amount of excitement. I have made a list of things I would like to do during this new phase in life. Some things are simple, some are more complicated, but I intend to accomplish everything on the list either alone or with friends and family. I also intend to blog about each adventure. Now we all know my history with blogging...not that great. But, my hope is that I will actually blog about all my random adventures in order to reflect on where my joy is truly rooted in.

God is working in me and working through the mess I see before me. But through this time, I have realized that God has also given me a wonderful opportunity to rest in Him, trust in Him, and delight in Him in different ways.

May this inspire you to try new things or go back to the old. May this also inspire you to see God through every adventure.